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18 January 2025

     08:15  Ikwipedia:Website functionality‎‎ 3 changes history −143 [EnWikiAdmin‎ (3×)]
08:15 (cur | prev) −2 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs (→‎Recent updates)
07:03 (cur | prev) +43 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
07:01 (cur | prev) −184 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs

17 January 2025

     23:09  Q-94-109A/Documents/Q-94-109A‎‎ 3 changes history −179 [EnWikiAdmin‎ (3×)]
23:09 (cur | prev) −190 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
23:07 (cur | prev) +4 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
23:07 (cur | prev) +7 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs

16 January 2025

     22:02  Q-94-109A‎‎ 4 changes history +28 [Editor1‎; EnWikiAdmin‎ (3×)]
22:02 (cur | prev) +39 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
22:01 (cur | prev) +52 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
21:27 (cur | prev) −59 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs (→‎Sample collection)
12:32 (cur | prev) −4 Editor1 talk contribs
     21:38  Jonathan Reed forest incident‎‎ 2 changes history +23 [EnWikiAdmin‎ (2×)]
21:38 (cur | prev) +29 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs (→‎Initial contact)
21:37 (cur | prev) −6 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
     21:34  Conspiracy theory diffhist −46 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
     21:31  Ikwipedia:About diffhist −13 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs (→‎Help using the website)

15 January 2025

     15:14  File:Stargate Egypt Looking glass.jpg diffhist +42 Editor1 talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     15:13  File:Stargate Egypt Looking glass Orientation schematic.jpg diffhist +65 Editor1 talk contribs
     15:12  (Upload log) [Editor1‎ (9×)]
15:12 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Stargate Egypt Looking glass side.jpg
15:12 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Stargate Egypt Looking glass.jpg
15:11 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Stargate Egypt Looking glass Orientation schematic.jpg
14:43 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded File:S-4 diagram.jpg(Uploading image: S-4 diagram)
14:43 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded File:Ganesh particle 2.jpg(Uploading image: Ganesh particle 2)
14:31 Editor1 talk contribs reverted File:Stargate Egypt Looking barrel orientation diagram.jpg to an old version ‎(Reverted to version as of 14:30, 15 January 2025 (UTC))
14:30 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Stargate Egypt Looking barrel orientation diagram.jpg(Uploading image: Stargate Egypt Looking barrel orientation diagram (updated version))
14:30 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Stargate Egypt Looking barrel orientation diagram.jpg(Uploading image: Stargate Egypt Looking barrel orientation diagram (updated version))
14:11 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded File:Ganesh particle.jpg(Uploading image: Ganesh particle)
     07:23  Q-94-109A‎‎ 5 changes history +2,803 [EnWikiAdmin‎ (2×); Editor1‎ (3×)]
07:23 (cur | prev) +33 Editor1 talk contribs
06:57 (cur | prev) +2,818 Editor1 talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched
01:17 (cur | prev) +20 Editor1 talk contribs (→‎Content and methodology)
00:20 (cur | prev) +13 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
00:17 (cur | prev) −81 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
     06:47  Template:Infobox document‎‎ 4 changes history −70 [Editor1‎ (4×)]
06:47 (cur | prev) +1 Editor1 talk contribs
06:43 (cur | prev) +35 Editor1 talk contribs
06:37 (cur | prev) −12 Editor1 talk contribs
06:24 (cur | prev) −94 Editor1 talk contribs
     06:22  Template:Infobox document/doc diffhist +1,836 Editor1 talk contribs
     01:38  (Import log) [Editor1‎ (4×)]
01:38 Editor1 talk contribs imported Module:Protection banner/config by file upload (1 revision) ‎
01:38 Editor1 talk contribs imported Module:Unicode data by file upload (1 revision) ‎
01:38 Editor1 talk contribs imported Template:Infobox document by file upload (1 revision) ‎
01:38 Editor1 talk contribs imported Template:Infobox document/doc by file upload (1 revision) ‎
     01:06  Ikwipedia:About diffhist −56 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
     01:05  Ikwipedia:Help diffhist +8 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
     01:04 Deletion log EnWikiAdmin talk contribs deleted page Ikwipedia:Functionality(content was: "Please add issues you find with the website functionality and suggest desired functionality below. You can put issues into either list or split your concerns among the lists. The website administrators will investigate and post changes on Website updates. =Functionality issues (bugs/glitches)= * <del>"Last edited" message on pages sh...", and the only contributor was "EnWikiAdmin" (talk))
     01:04  Ikwipedia:Website functionality diffhist +2,356 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs
     00:56 Protection log EnWikiAdmin talk contribs moved protection settings from Ikwipedia:Website updates to Ikwipedia:Website functionality(Ikwipedia:Website updates moved to Ikwipedia:Website functionality)
     00:56 Move log EnWikiAdmin talk contribs moved page Ikwipedia:Website updates to Ikwipedia:Website functionality ‎ (revert)
     00:56  Ikwipedia:Website updates diffhist +391 EnWikiAdmin talk contribs

14 January 2025

N    17:50  Q-94-109A‎‎ 2 changes history +9,132 [Editor1‎ (2×)]
17:50 (cur | prev) +639 Editor1 talk contribs
17:26 (cur | prev) +8,493 Editor1 talk contribs (Created page with "'''Q-94-109A''' is a classified document detailing in vitro experimentation on an extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) known as "AQ-J-Rod" (JR) at Papoose Lake Site 4 as part of Project Aquarius.<ref name="Q-94-109A">Document Q-94-109A</ref> The document was produced under a COSMIC-MAGIC classification, reflecting its high-security status and connection to secretive military and scientific operations.<ref name="Q-94-109A"/><...")
     15:52  (Upload log) [Editor1‎ (2×)]
15:52 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded File:Stargate Egypt Looking glass side.jpg(Uploading image: Stargate Egypt Looking glass side)
15:52 Editor1 talk contribs uploaded File:Stargate Egypt Looking glass Orientation schematic.jpg(Uploading image: Stargate Egypt Looking glass Orientation schematic)