New pages
- 21:15, 9 December 2024 Being (disambiguation) (hist | edit) [924 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The word '''being''' is the present participle of the verb "to be" and is often used to refer to existence or the state of existing. The term '''being''' can also typically refer to a being, which is generally considered a conscious or sentient entity. Examples of beings include: * Non-human intelligent beings, such as alleged aliens, gods, demons, and other spiritual entities. * Cryptid|Cryptids...")
- 21:15, 9 December 2024 Cryptid (hist | edit) [1,113 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A '''cryptid''' is a type of hidden or unverified animal often alleged to exist in unexplored or remote areas of Earth. These beings are central to cryptozoology, a field often dismissed by mainstream zoology due to the lack of verifiable evidence. Examples of cryptids include entities like Bigfoot, a humanoid cryptid reported in North America, and the Loch Ness Monster, a large aquatic creature allegedly inhabiting Loch Ness. Other alleged b...")
- 21:14, 9 December 2024 Exotic plant (hist | edit) [1,233 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "An '''exotic plant''' refers to flora allegedly unacknowledged by mainstream botany, often associated with hidden bases, ancient arcs, or even extraterrestrial habitats. These plants are notable for their unusual characteristics, such as bearing unknown fruit types described in some cosmic disclosure accounts as possessing unique flavors, medicinal properties, or possible sentience. Some reports suggest these plants thrive...")
- 21:14, 9 December 2024 Exotic being (hist | edit) [2,402 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "An '''exotic being''' is a proposed term to neutrally classify alleged conscious or sentient entities that are not widely "accepted" by the mainstream consensus. These beings, often associated with cosmic disclosure, exotic technology, and private civilization and public civilization, represent a diverse array of alleged phenomena. This classification includes beings such as alleged extraterrestrial life, including both...")
- 21:29, 8 December 2024 Falsifiability (hist | edit) [804 bytes] Athena (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Falsifiability is the theoretical ability of a theory to be falsified through empirical investigation or additional analysis or acquisition of additional evidence. Falsiability is a fundamental criterion of scientific (as opposed to non-scientific) theories and therefore to scientific (empirical) investigation. conspiracy theories are often characterized as being unfalsifiable. This is a point of contention as investigative journalists or conspiracy...")
- 21:17, 8 December 2024 Levels of conspiracy theory (hist | edit) [216 bytes] Athena (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Some people have suggested that there are "levels" to conspiracies or conspiracy theories in terms of plausibility or believability or difficulty of falsifying.")
- 20:18, 8 December 2024 Alien autopsy (disambiguation) (hist | edit) [845 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Alien autopsy''' can refer to: * The dissection of extraterrestrial beings for the purposes of biological and anatomical study. * The alleged alien autopsy of one of the Roswell aliens, allegedly recovered along with their spacecraft and other materials. * Alien autopsy videos, claiming to show the autopsy or dissection of extraterrestrial beings, including the...")
- 20:08, 8 December 2024 Alien autopsy (hist | edit) [2,838 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Short description|Dissection of extraterrestrial being}} An '''alien autopsy''' refers to a dissection or examination of an alleged extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) recovered from crash sites or other incidents. == Terminology == The term "alien autopsy" has entered popular culture as a general reference to the dissection or necropsy of alien remains. Despite the term "autopsy," which typically implies determining the cause of death, most reported alien aut...")
- 19:05, 8 December 2024 Conspiracy (hist | edit) [12,519 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Conspiracy''' refers to a secret plan or agreement between two or more parties to commit an unlawful, harmful, or deceptive act. The term can also describe the act of plotting or colluding in secret to achieve a specific goal, typically at the expense of a third party. While conspiracies are often associated with criminal activity or political schemes, they also encompass a broader spectrum of covert collaboration in various contexts (see the [https://en.m.wiktionary....")
- 18:35, 8 December 2024 Paranormal (hist | edit) [5,046 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Paranormal''' refers to phenomena or events that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding and are not readily explained by established laws of nature. These phenomena are typically associated with experiences, entities, or occurrences that defy conventional categorization and often invoke a sense of mystery or the extraordinary. In a theoretical framework where the existence of the paranormal is broadly accepted, these phen...")
- 06:45, 2 December 2024 Private civilization and public civilization (hist | edit) [2,680 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Public civilization and private civilization''' This is about the theory or reality that a '''private civilization''' within the '''public civilization''' of the collective Western and extended Asian world knows about all the stuff. ==Public civilization== The '''public civilization''' refers to the visible structures and institutions shared by the general population, including governments that operate under systems like representative de...")
- 02:52, 2 December 2024 Conspiracy theory (hist | edit) [6,278 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Conspiracy theory''' is a term used to describe an explanation for a disputed case or event that attributes it to a plot by a secret group or alliance rather than to an individual or isolated occurrence. <ref name="AmericanHeritage"></ref> It is also defined as a theory explaining an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. <ref name="MerriamWebster">https://www....")
- 02:09, 2 December 2024 Non-human intelligence (hist | edit) [4,151 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Non-human intelligence''' (NHI) is a catch-all term used to describe intelligent entities that are not of human origin. The term is commonly employed in discussions about extraterrestrial life, interdimensional beings, and other potential forms of non-terrestrial consciousness. It is often favored in formal, scientific, or cautious discourse as a more neutral or euphemistic alternative to terms like "aliens" or "extraterrestrials." == Definitions...")
- 23:50, 1 December 2024 Controlled disclosure (hist | edit) [5,328 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<nowiki>'''</nowiki>Controlled disclosure<nowiki>'''</nowiki> refers to the deliberate release of truthful but limited or strategically framed information, often accompanied by <nowiki>disinformation</nowiki>, as part of a broader effort to manage public perception and maintain secrecy about sensitive topics such as <nowiki>UFO phenomena</nowiki>, <nowiki>non-human intelligence (NHI)</nowiki>, and <nowiki>classified government programs</nowiki>. It is the...") Tag: Visual edit
- 09:54, 1 December 2024 Being (entity) (hist | edit) [1,048 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A '''being''' is a conscious or sentient entity or any living thing. The definition of being may include at least the following: animals (including humans, although there is debate over the extent to which humans are correctly spiritually, density or otherwise considered animals rather than a kind of sc...")
- 12:13, 30 November 2024 USS Tiru UFO sighting (hist | edit) [4,694 bytes] Editor1 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''USS Tiru UFO sighting''' is an UFO sighting reported by William Cooper, involving an alleged encounter with a massive metallic craft during a test dive near Hawaii in 1966. Cooper described the object as resembling a giant metallic ship emerging from the ocean and tumbling through the sky before vanishing. ==Event== The alleged sighting occurred aboard the ''USS Tiru''' in 1966 during its transit from Pearl...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 09:13, 30 November 2024 UFO retrieval program (hist | edit) [2,520 bytes] Editor1 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{About|the UFO crash retrieval program|programs to retrieve conventional downed craft|Conventional craft retrieval program}} UFO retrieval programs in the U.S. military have usually involved alleged crash-landed UFOs. ==History== UFO crash retrievals have allegedly occured since the 1940s or 1930s {{citation needed}}, including the alleged recoveries of the Roswell crafts in 1947 and in Kecksburg UFO inci...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 01:11, 28 November 2024 Behold a Pale Horse (book) (hist | edit) [10,959 bytes] Editor1 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox book | name = Behold a Pale Horse | title_orig = | translator = | image = File:Behold_a_Pale_Horse_cover.jpg | image_size = 250px | caption = Front cover of the book | author = Milton William Cooper | illustrator = | cover_artist = | country = United States | language = English | series = | subject = Conspiracy theories, government secrets, Illuminati, UFOs | genre = Non-fiction | publisher = Light Technology Publishing | release_date = December 1, 1991 | media...")
- 20:50, 27 November 2024 Concealment of exotic technology (hist | edit) [367 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Corporations and governments have allegedly undertaken extensive efforts to conceal the existence of exotic technology and to undermine the validity of the alleged physical principles that govern it. {{Template:Exotic technology}}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 19:52, 27 November 2024 Concealment of non-human intelligent beings (hist | edit) [334 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Conspiracy theories suggest that various corporations, governments, and individuals have undertaken a series of interconnected efforts to conceal the existence of NHIBs (and non-terrestrial humans) and their involvement in earthly affairs. Category:Conspiracy theories involving concealment of non-human intelligent beings by corporations and/or governments") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 09:26, 27 November 2024 Video recording of living non-human intelligent beings (hist | edit) [4,565 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There have been a few '''videos of alleged non-human intelligent beings''', most of which show the alleged alien(s) for a few seconds.") originally created as "Video recording of non-human intelligent beings"
- 08:42, 27 November 2024 Recorded evidence of non-human intelligent beings (hist | edit) [3,667 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This article gives an overview of alleged '''media evidence of NHIB''', such as photos and videos. Witness testimony is, as in most things, the most voluminous but probably least convincing kind of evidence. A major aspect of convincingness might be the perceived difficulty of faking the evidence, so supposed indicia of reliability such as the consistency of the testimony over multiple questi...") originally created as "Multimedia evidence of NHIBs"
- 11:18, 25 November 2024 Earth (hist | edit) [389 bytes] Athena (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Earth''' or '''Terra''' is planet in the Sol solar system and the only planet publicly proven to have life, including intelligent life. == History of Earth ==") Tag: Visual edit
- 11:18, 25 November 2024 Biological life (hist | edit) [865 bytes] Athena (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Biological life''' refers to biological organisms with biological bodies and is typically defined by a spatial confinment of matter in a non-equilibrium manner that's counter-entropic... or something. According to various alleged witnesses and contactees, certain beings who consider themselves "alive" or "conscious" (a closely related, thought to be necessary or sufficien concept) do not have biological bodies and in some cases ha...") Tag: Visual edit
- 00:00, 22 November 2024 Involvement by NHIBs in human affairs (hist | edit) [1,619 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Involvement by non-human intelligent beings (NHIBs) in human affairs''' encompasses the alleged influence, interaction, and guidance of non-human intelligent beings in shaping human history, society, and technological advancement. This involvement is said to extend across millennia, from ancient history to contemporary times, and includes both direct collaborations and indirect interventions. Some theories suggest NHIBs played a central...")
- 23:59, 21 November 2024 Technological development assistance by NHIBs (hist | edit) [1,295 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Technological development assistance by non-human intelligent beings (NHIBs)''' refers to the alleged involvement of non-human intelligent beings in aiding terrestrial humans in the creation, advancement, and refinement of exotic technology. Over the years, NHIBs have allegedly provided targeted support to humans in distinct instances and programs, particularly in the 20th century, with significant technological breakthroughs attributed to such interactions....") originally created as "Technical development assistance by NHIBs"
- 23:50, 21 November 2024 Black project (hist | edit) [1,495 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Black project A '''black project''' is a classified government or corporate research and development program conducted in secrecy, typically focusing on developing advanced military and technological systems, such as stealth technology, weapons systems, and cybersecurity operations. These programs are often hidden under special access programs to obscure their funding and operations, maki...")
- 23:32, 21 November 2024 Exotic technology development program (hist | edit) [1,144 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Various terrestrial human entities have undertaken serious organized '''efforts to develop technology that transcends publicly confirmed physical understanding-- known as exotic technology''' -- most of them clandestine and many with alleged success. These have allegedly included non government groups the Thule Society in early 20th century Germany, entities officially within German and U.S. government agencies, c...") originally created as "Exotic technology engineering programs"
- 23:21, 21 November 2024 Reverse engineering of exotic and NHI technology (hist | edit) [496 bytes] EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Terrestrial humans working clandestinely in governments and corporations have allegedly attempted to reverse-engineer exotic and NHI technology following recoveries of devices such as electrogravitic spacecraft. These efforts were partly or primarily responsible for driving the development of the exotic technology portfolios held by governmental and private corporations such as Lockheed SAIC batelle etc etc etc.")
- 10:39, 20 November 2024 P45K J-Rods (hist | edit) [3,337 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox_classification_beings | name = '''P45K J-Rod''' | other_names = J-Rod, P45K | classification = Extraterrestrial or extradimensional being | type = Corporeal, humanoid | plane_of_existence = Physical | dimension = 4th Dimension | density = 4th Density | species = Unknown | autonym = Unknown | exonym_earth = Unknown | exonym_human = Unknown | origin = Zeta Reticuli (speculative) | evolutionary_origin = Possible hybrid with other NHI species | genetically_engineer...")
- 04:13, 17 November 2024 Targeted individuals (hist | edit) [4,028 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Also refers to: gangstalking'' '''Targeted Individuals''' or a '''TI''' is a person experiencing degrees of auditory, visual, somatic or psychogenic disturbances who believes those experiences are the direct result of nefarious actors using sophisticated technological capabilities against them. Theories on the alleged perpetrators range from the Men In Black, public officials engaged in retaliation or criminal gangs (sometimes called gangstalking). While some psyc...") Tag: Visual edit
- 07:47, 16 November 2024 Disinformation (hist | edit) [3,045 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Disinformation refers to the calculated spreading of false or misleading information in order to elicit a specific outcome. It is a form of information warfare, in which information is the battlespace and the manipulation of that information to the favor of the presenter is the goal. At a basic level, Disinformation is a Counter-Intelligence technique. Counter-Intelligence is any means employed that denies an adversary the capability of collecting intelligence or degrad...") Tag: Visual edit
- 07:16, 16 November 2024 Classification (hist | edit) [8,938 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Classified information''' in the United States is material that a government body deems to be sensitive and must be afforded additional protection to prevent unauthorized disclosure. Access is restricted by law or executive order to particular groups of people with the necessary security clearance and a need to know. Mishandling of the material can incur criminal penalties. A formal security clearance is required to view or handle classified material. The clearance p...") Tag: Visual edit
- 06:42, 16 November 2024 Secret facilities (hist | edit) [4,352 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Secret facilities''' may refer to facilities in which classified work takes place, or more commonly in the context of UAP, as black sites, or places that don't officially exist. Others take the form of Deep Underground Military Bases or even supposed off-world sites. == Types == === Public Facing/White World === These are facilities in which classified work is performed, where the existence of the site itse...") Tag: Visual edit
- 02:00, 16 November 2024 Aerial Phenomenon Research Group (APRO) (hist | edit) [1,688 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (APRO page created) Tag: Visual edit
- 01:55, 16 November 2024 MUFON (hist | edit) [400 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Basic MUFON page) Tag: Visual edit
- 01:49, 16 November 2024 Bill Moore (hist | edit) [4,230 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Added Bill Moore's page) Tag: Visual edit originally created as "William Moore"
- 01:41, 16 November 2024 Mirage Men (documentary) (hist | edit) [927 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created Mirage Men page) Tag: Visual edit
- 05:18, 15 November 2024 Test page (hist | edit) [4,040 bytes] Poseidon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Short description|Alleged UFO crash retrieval in 1947}} {{Wikipedia_fork | import_date = 7 November 2024 }} <!--{{Pp|small=yes}}--> {{Use American English|date=July 2022}} {{Use mdy dates|date=January 2024}} {{Infobox historical event | name = Roswell incident | image = Roswell Daily Record. July 8, 1947. RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region. Top of front page.jpg | image_size = | alt = Newspaper headline reads, "RAAF Captures F...") originally created as "Roswell incident test page"
- 23:11, 14 November 2024 David Fruehauf (hist | edit) [4,263 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Added Dave Fruehauf's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 21:31, 14 November 2024 Richard Doty (hist | edit) [2,838 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created Rick Doty's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 20:55, 14 November 2024 S-2 (hist | edit) [676 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (S-2 page created based on description by Richard Doty given verbally to Dr. Steven Greer) Tag: Visual edit
- 05:36, 14 November 2024 Continuity of Government (hist | edit) [993 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Continuity of Government, now commonly referred to as '''Continuity of Operations (COOP)''', is the series of plans, installations and people that constitute our shadow government. COG/COOP can be thought of as a skeleton government operating in parallel to our elected officials. When a disaster occurs, the COGPLAN is activated and a series of pre-determined steps are undertaken to transfer the functions of government from the public facing government to the shadow gover...") Tag: Visual edit
- 04:44, 14 November 2024 Deep underground military base (hist | edit) [4,796 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created new page for DUMBs) Tag: Visual edit originally created as "Deep Underground Military Base"
- 03:06, 14 November 2024 Immaculate Constellation (hist | edit) [7,598 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Published Immaculate Constellation page) Tag: Visual edit
- 01:29, 14 November 2024 Men In Black (hist | edit) [5,916 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Published page) Tag: Visual edit
- 01:17, 14 November 2024 Dreamland Resort (hist | edit) [2,258 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Published page) Tag: Visual edit originally created as "Dreamland Resort Raid"
- 00:45, 14 November 2024 Paul Bennewitz (hist | edit) [13,625 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created Paul's page) Tag: Visual edit
- 00:04, 14 November 2024 Hangar 18 (hist | edit) [9,374 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created new page for WPAFB Hangar 18) Tag: Visual edit
- 21:11, 13 November 2024 S-4 (hist | edit) [3,285 bytes] IP2050 (talk | contribs) (Created this page. Will be returning to add links to Bob Lazar and other figures once I've created the pages :)) Tag: Visual edit