Freddy (being)

Revision as of 03:09, 7 November 2024 by EnWikiAdmin (talk | contribs)
Photograph of Freddy's head in Reed's home
Identity and classification
TypeBiological NHIB, humanoid NHIB
SpeciesUnknown (speculated to be ant person (?))
Home regionEarth (subterranean realm)
Origin or birthplaceUnknown (presumably also in the ant-people subterranean realm)
Residence locationUnknown
Entered bodyUnknown
AgeAge unknown
Identity and traits
Phenotypic details3 to 4 feet tall
Genotypic informationSome genetic portions were not recognized as terrestrial (late 1990s/2000s university clinic), some genes resembled those of marine creatures, according to the killed biologist, according to Reed
Role within own society
Interactions and relationships with humans
Primary interactionsJonathan Reed
Interactions with terrestrial entitiesUnknown, speculated to indirectly coordinate with deep state operatives through their respective chains of command
EventsJonathan Reed forest incident
Role in eventsAlleged participant in physical altercation with Reed's dog
Documented sources and records
Information sourceJonathan Reed's testimony; corroboration by others between 1998 and 2020 who saw Freddy materialize while with Reed in private settings
Documentary evidenceExamination video of Freddy, forest video of Freddy, forest obelisk video, forest photos of Freddy, forest photo of obelisk
Communication methodTelepathic: according to Reed, transmission of images and emotions and information "like a firehose" such that Reed had to tell him to slow down at first
Public accountsReed's interviews, book following the incident
Additional details
NotesSignificant skepticism around Reed's claims.