Maria Oršić

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Identity and classification
TypeCorporeal medium
Home regionTaygeta (alleged)
Origin or birthplaceEarth, possibly with claims of Taygetan connections
Residence locationMunich, Germany
AgeAge unknown
Identity and traits
Role within own society
OccupationMedium and alleged NHIB contact facilitator
Interactions and relationships with humans
Primary interactionsMembers of the Vril Society, potential NHIBs (unverified)
Interactions with terrestrial entitiesGerman government, Vril Society
Role in eventsFacilitator of technology transfer, medium for NHIB communication
ContributionsReported transference of exotic technology concepts
Documented sources and records
Public accountsVarious publications within conspiracy theory and NHIB discourse
Additional details

Maria Oršić was an alleged medium and contactee who reportedly facilitated contact with non-human intelligent beings (NHIBs) and played a role in the supposed transfer of exotic technology to Germany. She is often associated with claims that advanced technology was introduced to assist the German government and corporations during the 1933-1945 period. The nature of her involvement and the existence of such contacts remain the subject of speculation, largely within the realm of conspiracy theories and New Age beliefs.

Connection to the Vril Society

Oršić is most often referenced in connection with the Vril Society, an esoteric group active in Germany during the early 20th century. According to certain narratives, the Vril Society, under Oršić’s influence, sought to establish communication with extraterrestrial beings. These beings were said to originate from the Pleiades star cluster, specifically a system referred to as Taygeta, according to sources that delve into New Age beliefs and alleged alien contacts. It is claimed that Oršić acted as a medium, receiving telepathic messages or instructions that purportedly provided guidance for technological advancements.

Paranormal work and experiences

Maria Oršić
Other namesMaria Orschitsch
Experience type'
Beings encounteredAlleged Taygetan entities
Events claimedTelepathic messages, technological instructions
Physical evidenceNone substantiated; claims remain anecdotal
Psychological effectsAccounts vary, but Oršić is claimed to have been deeply involved with esoteric practices
Public accountsNumerous within conspiracy theories and fringe publications
Notable worksWritings on alleged NHIB contacts, technology channeling
Attempts to debunkSkeptics argue claims are unfounded or fictionalized
Alleged suppression of evidenceClaims of government suppression of NHIB involvement
Alleged suppression of accountSome speculate government interest in silence
Website[ ]
header28 = Notes

Suspected not to have existed

Some authors say that Oršić never even existed. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, the longtime professor of Western Esotericism at the University of Exeter, dated her first appearances to German-language neo-Nazi videotapes circulated in the late 1980s and a book called Das Vril Projekt published by two occultists called Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl in 1992, and could not identify any earlier mention of her. (Jürgen-Ratthofer and Ettl's version says Aldebaran rather than Taygeta). Dutch researcher Theo Paijmans reported the same thing.[1][2]

Oršić’s legacy remains largely within the scope of fringe theories, with limited substantiated evidence to support her alleged role in facilitating NHIB communication or technology transfer. No concrete documentation exists that confirms her interactions with Taygetan or other non-human intelligences, though her story has continued to captivate New Age audiences and UFO enthusiasts.


  • Conspiracy theories on Oršić have been covered in various speculative and fringe media publications.
